Client: DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer
Project Name: McAfee Professional Services
Scope: The Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), Citywide Information Security, (CWITS) was doing in house monitoring of malware activity and virus outbreaks with new complex malware incidences. In an effort to save the mitigation time CWITS sought to have a contractor provide onetime consulting arrangement from McAfee Professional Services team and to bring a consultant to assess and configure the citywide antivirus protection systems and policies and update to one standard across the district.
The Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), Citywide Information Security, (CWITS) sought PPM to provide a full time on site consultant from McAfee Professional Services to rebuild the McAfee Antivirus infrastructure on the DC citywide network to remediate the growing virus/malware occurrences. The PPM contractor assisted CWITS to assess the current antivirus environment, recommend new architecture and reconfigure systems.
PPM Provided:
PPM provided the OCTO CWITS team with McAfee Professional Services consultants to supplement CWITS’ existing staff with ePO, VSE and other endpoint products.
In particular, PPM:
Worked with OCTO CWITS staff to understand current Endpoint security environment, technologies, and policies.
Advised on strategic direction for security solutions across the enterprise.
Provided recommendations on product usage.
Provided insight on how other McAfee customers use McAfee solutions and reaches out to other project teams to give OCTO CWITS team visibility into industry trends.
Coordinated McAfee business and security industry processes across the DC Enterprise.
Provided assistance and validation of implementation timelines and delivery management
Communicated clearly to executive management and manage the reporting process.
Coordinated and drove McAfee solutions and direction to achieve measurable increases in product deployment, end-user knowledge, and operationalization.
Provided product specific knowledge transfer to CWITS engineers to participate in hands on deployment, configuration, and tuning tasks.
Provided up to date information on product updates and alerts.
Brought direct access to top tier McAfee product specialists.
Brought direct access to McAfee knowledge base, downloads, and platinum portal.
Brought direct access to McAfee incident response services and McAfee Labs.
Customer Objectives Satisfied:
PPM fulfilled OCTO’s requirements by providing a full-time, onsite McAfee Professional Services consultant to assess the current antivirus environment and recommend, reconfigure, and rebuild the McAfee Antivirus infrastructure on the DC citywide network to remediate the growing virus/malware occurrences.