Ultimately we believe marketing sustainable energy programs in the District requires many “feet-on-the-street” in addition to a multi-channel approach leveraging call centers, media, print and social media to reinforce educational messaging and build sustainable energy program portfolio awareness.
Transforming the energy market in the District is a huge undertaking. We know that household renters and non-owner occupied businesses are typically less motivated than others to make capital improvements in the spaces they occupy. However, if they are paying for energy, there remains a pathway to engaging even the most hesitant of these customers. Behavioral changes within a home, which cost nothing, can still lead to substantial efficiency gains. We have seen marketing, awareness and education through gamification approaches used to make strides towards improving efficiency in renter occupied households. The District’s utility should look to motivate rental households to make subtle changes in how they consume energy without sacrificing comfort.
We also know that business owners, who lease their space, are also reluctant to make capital improvements to their facilities. However, we have found that demonstrating to landlords the value of upgrading their tenants’ facilities can convince them to make this wise financial investment. Simultaneously, working with tenants to show them that contributing to the improvement of a facility, even one they do not own, pays for itself in increased sales, productivity, safety and comfort.
These examples tell us that sustainable energy marketing and awareness-building techniques for the District should be based upon an active customer engagement and education process to insure success. Ultimately we believe marketing sustainable energy programs in the District requires many “feet-on-the-street” in addition to a multi-channel approach leveraging call centers, media, print and social media to reinforce educational messaging and build sustainable energy program portfolio awareness.